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First MWMN Leadership Team @ Spring Retreat 2003.  Achlaï Ernest Wallace, Edvirge Predestin & Lynda Dortélus

In late Summer 2001, Achlaï returned to hometown, Montreal, after being away for 1 year and 8 months in a Worship Internship in Madison, Wisconsin where she had experienced inner healing, the power of caring Sisters, an entire new approach in understanding God in a new community, ultimately, healing from damaged emotions. It was unlike ANYTHING she had ever lived before, and she knew God was calling her to put into action the miracle of transformation that had taken place within her. She shared her heart, with transparency to two Montreal sisters in Christ, about her burden and desire to see young women, especially young women leaders, set free to be ALL of who God called them to be, specifically, spiritually and emotionally.​

Alongside these two, Lynda Dortelus and Edvirge Predestin, the three young women pondered, shared their hearts, their dreams of seeing women walk in wholeness, freedom and power and as the Lord led, before long, MWMN was born. The three women formed the first MWMN Leadership Team and held their first conference in 2002 with the theme being "Healing for Damaged Emotions" and have since seen hundreds of women touched by the ministry that the Lord placed in the hearts of initially just 3 people. Today, MWMN  has expanded into IWMN, going much further than Montreal, touching lives globally, continuing  to serve women through monthly Network Meetings, Retreats, Conferences, Teachers Network, Bookclubs and more. Click to hear more from the Executive Director.

 The purpose of the International Women’s Ministry Network is the same today in 2022 as it was in 2003 --  to actively encourage young women leaders in their emotional healing and leadership development.  We purpose to build up women in the fullness of who God has called them to be, as well as provide an accessible network to which they can belong  and grow in their emotional development and leadership. 


For all Donations Inquiries:

IWMN Donations & Accounting Services

P.O. Box 710973

Santee, CA 92072



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International Women's Ministry Network

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